
My current research focuses on:

(1) the Concept/Theory of Non-Great Powers’ Strategic Behavior; and

(2) the Concept/Theory of Institutional Strategy by Regional Security Institutions led by Non-Great Powers.

The regional focus is mainly in the Indo-Pacific region.


  • East-West Center, USA, and Korean Maritime Institute (August 17, 2023). “Power Shift, Geopolitical Impacts on East Asia, and Implications for Arctic.”

  • International Studies Association (ISA), Canada (March 18, 2023) “Tactical Hedging as Coalition-Building Signal: The rise and fall of Quad and AUKUS in the Indo-Pacific.”

  • University of Antwerp (December 16, 2022) “Emergence of New “Alignment” Strategy: Theory and Concept” [Virtual Conference].

  • ISA, USA (March 29, 2022) “Dilemma: Quad and ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific” [Virtual Conference].

  • SciencePo, France, & German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany (December 9, 2021). Tactical Hedging in the Indo-Pacific: Evolving Strategies of the “Quad.” [Virtual Conference].

  • University of Copenhagen, Denmark (June 29, 2021). Assessing Change in Role Theory: Japan and South Korea’s Divergent Paths in the Indo-Pacific. (with Andrew Yeo) [Virtual Conference].

  • ISA (April 7, 2021). Order-building by Other Means: ASEAN's Political Power in Constructing Regional Order in Asia and Beyond. [Virtual Conference].

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, India (February 24, 2021). Strategizing Institutional Arrangement in Japan's FOIP: Quad, ASEAN, and Tactical Hedging. Centre for East Asian Studies [Virtual Conference].

  • Japanese Association of International Relations (JAIR) (October 23, 2020). Strategic Role of Regional Security Institutions: Cases of SAARC and SCO. [Virtual Conference].

  • Association for Asian Studies in Asia (AAS-in-Asia) (August 31, 2020). Japan-ROK-India Trilateral Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. [Virtual Conference].

  • ISA (March 2020). Singapore-U.S. Relations and Military Access in the Post-Cold War Era. [Cancelled]. 

  • ISA (March 2020). Path to the ‘Fukuda Doctrine’: Diplomatic Process in Defining Japan-ASEAN Relations. [Cancelled]. 

  • The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (December 13, 2019). Wedge Strategy, Japan-ASEAN Cooperation, and the Making of EAS: Implications for Indo-Pacific Institutionalization.

  • International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) (July 16, 2019). Order-building by Other Means: Asia's Security Order and ASEAN's Strategic Use of Political Legitimacy.

  • The International Studies Association Asia-Pacific (ISA Asia-Pacific) (July 4, 2019). The Evolution of Energy Geopolitics in Asia. (with Mirza Sadaqat Huda).

  • Kochi University, Japan (June 1, 2019) 日本のアジア地域秩序構想:冷戦後30年における継続と変化 (Japan’s Vision for Asian Regional Order: Continuity and Change in the Past 30 Years). 

  • Keio University, Japan (May 16, 2019). Wedge Strategy, Japan-ASEAN Cooperation, and the Making of EAS: Implications for Indo-Pacific Institutionalization.

  • Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH) (January 5, 2019). ASPAC or ASEAN? Institutional Evolution and Survival in Contemporary Maritime Asia.

  • NTU SSS International Conference (November 16, 2018). Conceptualising the Belt and Road Initiative. (with Mirza Sadaqat Huda).

  • ISA (April 7, 2018). How Does a Regional Institution Collapse? Case of the Asia-Pacific Council from 1966-1973.

  • Kyushu University, Japan (September 24, 2017). Regional Order Building without Power Resources: ASEAN, Institutions, and Asian Security.

  • AAS-in-Asia (June 26, 2017). Security Policy under Strategic Uncertainty: Behavior of Secondary Powers in the age of the East Asian Power Shifts--Case of Southeast Asian States.

  • ISA Asia-Pacific (June 15, 2017). ASEAN's Evolving Institutional Strategy: Managing Great Power Politics and South China Sea Disputes.

  • CAG-ACRI (Centre on Asia and Globalisation, LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore, and The Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia) (February 10, 2017). Beyond the Horizon? Japan's Strategic Interests over the South China Sea.

  • NTU, Singapore (December 6, 2016). Dynamics of Japan's Role Location Process: Striving in the Status of "Misplaced State".

  • AAS-in-Asia (June 26, 2016). ASEAN's institutional Response toward Power Shift: Balancing, Hedging, and Institutional Change.

  • University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and University of Bath, UK (June 7, 2016). Searching for Balance of Inter-Subjectivity: Japan, Asia, and Misplaced Identity.

  • The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan (December 7, 2015). Country Profile: Singapore's Maritime Security Policy.

  • S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU, Singapore (August 29, 2015). Hedging’ or ‘Balancing’? Evolution of Japan's Foreign Policy under the East Asian Power Shift'.

  • China Foreign Affairs University, China (May 30, 2015). Japan’s Response to the Rise of China: Moving Toward Hard Balancing.

  • ISA (February 21, 2015). Security Strategy under Uncertainty: The Behavior of Secondary Powers in the East Asian Power Shifts.

  • ISA (February 20, 2015). Cognitive Balance of Power in the East China Sea? The Sino-Japanese Rivalry 2000-2013.

  • JAIR (November 16, 2014). Institutional Change in Regional Security Organizations: Comparative Study of ASEAN and ECOWAS.

  • Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS) (March 30, 2014). Strategic Transformation of Regional Security Institutions: US-led Alliances and ASEAN-led Organizations.

  • ISA (March 29, 2014). Evolution of East Asia's Multilateral Security Institutions: EAS and ADMM Plus.

  • ISA (March 28, 2014). Explaining Institutional Change in Regional Security Organizations: Causes, Processes and Outcomes.

  • LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore (February 20, 2014). Policy failure as everyday practice in regional institutions: Comparing ASEAN and EU (with Chou Meng-Hsuan).

  • ASPAC (Asia Studies on the Pacific Coast) Conference (A regional affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) (June 9, 2013). Explaining Institutional Collapse: Case of the Asia and Pacific Council (ASPAC) in 1966-1973.

  • ISA (April 4, 2013). ASEAN, Great Power Politics, and Potential Institutional Transformation: EAS and ADMM Plus.

  • CISS/KEYNOTE Conference (June 25, 2012). When Third World Institutions Change: Cases of ASEAN, ECOWAS, and OAU/AU.

  • ISA (April 1, 2012). Explaining ASEAN's Institutional Transformation during the 1990s: Cases of ARF and ASEAN+3.

  • ISA-Asia Pacific (September 29, 2011). Institutional Transformation of ASEAN in the Security Field: Cases of ARF and ASEAN+3.

  • AAS (Association for Asian Studies)/ ICAS (International Convention of Asian Scholars) (April 3, 2011). Yasukuni Shrine: Its Meanings and Implications for Japan-ROK Relations.

  • International CISS Millennium Conference (July 5, 2010). Evolution of Security-Oriented Institutions: EU's Institutional Resiliency.

  • ISA (February 18, 2010). Evolutionary Process to a Regional Security Community? ASEAN's Formation, Transformation and Persistence.

  • ISA (February 17, 2010). The Evolution of the Pacific Norm in Japan.

  • ISA-ABRI 2009 Joint International Convention (International Studies Association and Brazilian Association for International Relations) (July 23, 2009). Normative Power of "ASEAN Way": Implications for East Asian Regionalism.

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