My current research focuses on:
(1) the Concept/Theory of Non-Great Powers’ Strategic Behavior; and
(2) the Concept/Theory of Institutional Strategy by Regional Security Institutions led by Non-Great Powers.
The regional focus is mainly in the Indo-Pacific region.
East-West Center, USA, and Korean Maritime Institute (August 17, 2023). “Power Shift, Geopolitical Impacts on East Asia, and Implications for Arctic.”
International Studies Association (ISA), Canada (March 18, 2023) “Tactical Hedging as Coalition-Building Signal: The rise and fall of Quad and AUKUS in the Indo-Pacific.”
University of Antwerp (December 16, 2022) “Emergence of New “Alignment” Strategy: Theory and Concept” [Virtual Conference].
ISA, USA (March 29, 2022) “Dilemma: Quad and ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific” [Virtual Conference].
SciencePo, France, & German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany (December 9, 2021). Tactical Hedging in the Indo-Pacific: Evolving Strategies of the “Quad.” [Virtual Conference].
University of Copenhagen, Denmark (June 29, 2021). Assessing Change in Role Theory: Japan and South Korea’s Divergent Paths in the Indo-Pacific. (with Andrew Yeo) [Virtual Conference].
ISA (April 7, 2021). Order-building by Other Means: ASEAN's Political Power in Constructing Regional Order in Asia and Beyond. [Virtual Conference].
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India (February 24, 2021). Strategizing Institutional Arrangement in Japan's FOIP: Quad, ASEAN, and Tactical Hedging. Centre for East Asian Studies [Virtual Conference].
Japanese Association of International Relations (JAIR) (October 23, 2020). Strategic Role of Regional Security Institutions: Cases of SAARC and SCO. [Virtual Conference].
Association for Asian Studies in Asia (AAS-in-Asia) (August 31, 2020). Japan-ROK-India Trilateral Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. [Virtual Conference].
ISA (March 2020). Singapore-U.S. Relations and Military Access in the Post-Cold War Era. [Cancelled].
ISA (March 2020). Path to the ‘Fukuda Doctrine’: Diplomatic Process in Defining Japan-ASEAN Relations. [Cancelled].
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (December 13, 2019). Wedge Strategy, Japan-ASEAN Cooperation, and the Making of EAS: Implications for Indo-Pacific Institutionalization.
International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) (July 16, 2019). Order-building by Other Means: Asia's Security Order and ASEAN's Strategic Use of Political Legitimacy.
The International Studies Association Asia-Pacific (ISA Asia-Pacific) (July 4, 2019). The Evolution of Energy Geopolitics in Asia. (with Mirza Sadaqat Huda).
Kochi University, Japan (June 1, 2019) 日本のアジア地域秩序構想:冷戦後30年における継続と変化 (Japan’s Vision for Asian Regional Order: Continuity and Change in the Past 30 Years).
Keio University, Japan (May 16, 2019). Wedge Strategy, Japan-ASEAN Cooperation, and the Making of EAS: Implications for Indo-Pacific Institutionalization.
Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH) (January 5, 2019). ASPAC or ASEAN? Institutional Evolution and Survival in Contemporary Maritime Asia.
NTU SSS International Conference (November 16, 2018). Conceptualising the Belt and Road Initiative. (with Mirza Sadaqat Huda).
ISA (April 7, 2018). How Does a Regional Institution Collapse? Case of the Asia-Pacific Council from 1966-1973.
Kyushu University, Japan (September 24, 2017). Regional Order Building without Power Resources: ASEAN, Institutions, and Asian Security.
AAS-in-Asia (June 26, 2017). Security Policy under Strategic Uncertainty: Behavior of Secondary Powers in the age of the East Asian Power Shifts--Case of Southeast Asian States.
ISA Asia-Pacific (June 15, 2017). ASEAN's Evolving Institutional Strategy: Managing Great Power Politics and South China Sea Disputes.
CAG-ACRI (Centre on Asia and Globalisation, LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore, and The Australia-China Relations Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia) (February 10, 2017). Beyond the Horizon? Japan's Strategic Interests over the South China Sea.
NTU, Singapore (December 6, 2016). Dynamics of Japan's Role Location Process: Striving in the Status of "Misplaced State".
AAS-in-Asia (June 26, 2016). ASEAN's institutional Response toward Power Shift: Balancing, Hedging, and Institutional Change.
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and University of Bath, UK (June 7, 2016). Searching for Balance of Inter-Subjectivity: Japan, Asia, and Misplaced Identity.
The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan (December 7, 2015). Country Profile: Singapore's Maritime Security Policy.
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU, Singapore (August 29, 2015). Hedging’ or ‘Balancing’? Evolution of Japan's Foreign Policy under the East Asian Power Shift'.
China Foreign Affairs University, China (May 30, 2015). Japan’s Response to the Rise of China: Moving Toward Hard Balancing.
ISA (February 21, 2015). Security Strategy under Uncertainty: The Behavior of Secondary Powers in the East Asian Power Shifts.
ISA (February 20, 2015). Cognitive Balance of Power in the East China Sea? The Sino-Japanese Rivalry 2000-2013.
JAIR (November 16, 2014). Institutional Change in Regional Security Organizations: Comparative Study of ASEAN and ECOWAS.
Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS) (March 30, 2014). Strategic Transformation of Regional Security Institutions: US-led Alliances and ASEAN-led Organizations.
ISA (March 29, 2014). Evolution of East Asia's Multilateral Security Institutions: EAS and ADMM Plus.
ISA (March 28, 2014). Explaining Institutional Change in Regional Security Organizations: Causes, Processes and Outcomes.
LKY School of Public Policy, NUS, Singapore (February 20, 2014). Policy failure as everyday practice in regional institutions: Comparing ASEAN and EU (with Chou Meng-Hsuan).
ASPAC (Asia Studies on the Pacific Coast) Conference (A regional affiliate of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) (June 9, 2013). Explaining Institutional Collapse: Case of the Asia and Pacific Council (ASPAC) in 1966-1973.
ISA (April 4, 2013). ASEAN, Great Power Politics, and Potential Institutional Transformation: EAS and ADMM Plus.
CISS/KEYNOTE Conference (June 25, 2012). When Third World Institutions Change: Cases of ASEAN, ECOWAS, and OAU/AU.
ISA (April 1, 2012). Explaining ASEAN's Institutional Transformation during the 1990s: Cases of ARF and ASEAN+3.
ISA-Asia Pacific (September 29, 2011). Institutional Transformation of ASEAN in the Security Field: Cases of ARF and ASEAN+3.
AAS (Association for Asian Studies)/ ICAS (International Convention of Asian Scholars) (April 3, 2011). Yasukuni Shrine: Its Meanings and Implications for Japan-ROK Relations.
International CISS Millennium Conference (July 5, 2010). Evolution of Security-Oriented Institutions: EU's Institutional Resiliency.
ISA (February 18, 2010). Evolutionary Process to a Regional Security Community? ASEAN's Formation, Transformation and Persistence.
ISA (February 17, 2010). The Evolution of the Pacific Norm in Japan.
ISA-ABRI 2009 Joint International Convention (International Studies Association and Brazilian Association for International Relations) (July 23, 2009). Normative Power of "ASEAN Way": Implications for East Asian Regionalism.
Policy Reports
“Asia’s Future at a Crossroads” [Yoshihide Soeya and Mike Mochizuki (co-conveners) with Kuniko Ashizawa, Miwa Hirono, Saori Katada, Jong Won Lee, Kiyoshi Sugawa, Takashi Terada, Kazuhiko Togo, and Hirotaka Watanabe] July 2023.
「両価性をもつインド・東南アジア関係」(Ambivalence in India-Southeast Asia Relations) 「現代インド・フォーラム」(日印協会)Summer 2023 (July 2023).
“Prospects for the Quad Coast Guards to Cooperate Toward Implementation of the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Vision,” [with John Bradford and Scott Edwards], YCAPS (Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies), April 2023.
“シンガポールにおける「偽情報・誤情報」対策: POFMAとFICA” (Response to Misinformation and Disinformation in Singapore: POFMA and FICA), IINA (International Information Network Analysis), March 2, 2023.
“Regional Security Cooperation in the US-China Strategic Competition” Issues & Insights, 23(SR3) (2023), 59-64.
“Great Power Politics: The Indo-Pacific, Southeast Asia, and the Global South,” Comparative Connections, Vol. 25, No. 1, (2023), pp 171-182.
“Southeast Asia in Japan’s FOIP Vision 2022,” in Stephen Nagy, ed., Japan in the Indo-Pacific: Investing in Partnerships in South and Southeast Asia (Sweden: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2022), pp. 23-32.
“Recalibrating US-Japan Indo-Pacific Strategies Toward ASEAN,” The Wilson Center, October 2022.
“Normative Challenges in Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific” Comparative Connections, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2021, pp 151-160.
“Alternative Strategic Partner in Southeast Asia? The Role of Japan in the US-China Rivalry” in Koki Shigenoi, ed., Japan’s Role for Southeast Asia Amidst the Great Power Competition and its Implications for the EU-Japan Partnership (Ha Noi: Konrad-Adenauer-Stifung), April 2022, pp. 7-16.
“A Diplomatic 'New Normal' in the Indo-Pacific Region?” Comparative Connections, Vol. 23, No. 1, (2021), pp 151-160.
“Next Priorities for Japan’s FOIP Vision: The Quad, ASEAN, and Institutional Linkages in the Indo-Pacific,” Indo-Pacific Perspectives, December 2020.
“Great Disruption: Uncertainty over the Indo-Pacific,” Comparative Connections, Vol. 22, No. 1, (2020), pp 137-148.
“Il Giappone alla difesa dei suoi mari (e oltre),” limes, August 5, 2020.
“US-Japan Cooperation on Indo-Pacific Regional Architecture,” Policy Memorandum #3, Asia Strategy Initiative [with Mie Oba, Ken Jimbo, and Zack Cooper], September 2019.
“Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific,” in Kyle Springer, ed., Implementing the Indo-Pacific: Japan’s region building initiative (Perth: Perth USAsia Centre, 2019), pp. 24-37.
“The Emerging Indo-Pacific Era.” Comparative Connections, Vol. 21, No. 1 (2019): 125-134. Honolulu: Pacific Forum.
“Japan: Coming up with the Indo-Pacific Concept,” in John Hemmings, ed., Infrastructure, Ideas, and Strategy in the Indo-Pacific (2019): 20-24. London: Henry Jackson Society Asia Studies Centre.
“Belt and Road Initiatives: Southeast Asian Perceptions 2018-2019--Cases of Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia,” (March 2019) Sasakawa Peace Foundation.
“Redirecting Strategic Focus in the Age of the Indo-Pacific,” Comparative Connections, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2018). Honolulu: Pacific Forum CSIS.
“Transcending the Fukuda Doctrine: Japan, ASEAN, and the Future of the Regional Order,” Strategic Japan Working Paper, The Center for Strategic and International Studies (2017).
“Toward Effective Institution-Building in Peacebuilding: Conceptual Development, Coordination Mechanism, and Partnership Building,” in Yuki Tatsumi and Pamela Kennedy, eds, Peacebuilding and Japan: Views from the Next Generation (Washington, D.C.: Stimson Center, 2017), pp. 15-27.
“Renewed Strategic Dynamics over the South China Sea: Options for the US, Japan, and India,” NASSP Issue Brief Series, December 3, 2016.
「シンガポールの海洋安全保障政策カントリー・プロファイル」日本国際問題研究所『インド太平洋における法の支配の課題と海洋安全保障「カントリー・プロファイル」』(2016年3月):79-88. URL:
“Preparing for Future Disasters: Strategic Assistance and the U.S.-Japan Alliance” (Washington, D.C.: The National Bureau of Asian Research, 2015). [co-authored with Fargo, T., Yamaguchi, N., Sahashi, R., and Szalwinski, A.]
“ASEAN, Institutional Change, and Historical Institutionalism,” e-International Relations, October 31, 2015.
“Strategic Assistance: Regional Reactions and Geopolitical Challenges” (Washington: The National Bureau of Asian Research, 2014) [co-authored with Sahashi, R., Denmark, A.M., and Chaffin, G.].
“Strategic Assistance: Disaster Relief and Asia-Pacific Stability” (Washington: The National Bureau of Asian Research, 2014) [co-authored with Sahashi, R., Denmark, A.M., and Chaffin, G.].
“Toward US-Japan-ROK Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Cooperation in Asia,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 13, No. 7 (February 2013), pp. 19-24. [Co-author]
“US Extended Deterrence for Japan—Nuclear and Beyond (Background Paper)" Commissioned by the Naval Postgraduate School. November 2012.
“Looking Ahead: Building Confidence and Overcoming Mistrust in the US-Japan Alliance,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 12, No. 12 (November 2012), pp. 1-7. [Co-author]
“Trilateral Strategic Cooperative Mechanism Between Japan, the United States, and Vietnam: A Proposal,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 12, No. 1 (March 2012). [Co-author]
“Creating a Multilateral Mechanism in Northeast Asia,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 11, No. 4 (March 2011), pp. 31-37.
“Japan’s Role in Asian Century,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 11, No. 3, (March 2011), pp. 11-14.
“Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Cooperation in 2030,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 11, No. 2, (February 2011), pp. 11-24. [Co-author]
“Cooperation, Competition and Conflict: The Impact of US and Chinese Core Interests on Sino-US Relations,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 10, No. 21, (August 2010), pp. 27-32. [Co-author]
“Reactions to the Succession Issue in North Korea: Japan Team,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 10, No. 19, (August 2010), pp. 1-7. [Co-author]
“The Myth of Security in a Nuclear-Armed World”, Issues & Insights, Vol. 10, No. 17, (August 2010), pp. 17-27. [Co-author]
“Dual Strategic Dilemma over the Taiwan Strait: A Japanese Perspective,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 10, No. 11, (April 2010), pp. 19-22.
「日米同盟:『グローバル化』vs『地域化』」[“Nichibei Domei: ‘Gurobaruka’ vs ‘Chiikika’”(The Japan-U.S. Alliance: “Globalization” vs “Regionalization”GPI Brief 13 (2010)].
“Regional Architecture and Japan,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 10, No. 9, (March 2010), pp. 1-7. [Co-author]
“The U.S.-Japan Sea Power Alliance: Evolving Roles and Future Challenges,” Issues & Insights, Vol. 9, No. 22, (December, 2009), pp. 7-12.
「テロと抑止力:対テロ抑止力の構築に向けて」[“Tero to Yokushiryoku: Taitero Yokushiryoku no Kouchiku ni Mukete” (Toward Establishment of Deterrence on Terrorism)]『日本の風』(2005).
“Second Interim Report: Security Policy Reforms in East Asia and a Trilateral Crisis Response Planning Opportunity” by James Schoff, Institute of the Institute of Foreign Policy Analysis (IFPA), Project “Building on The TCOG”, (March 2005). [co-researcher]
「日本の対テロ政策:多層的抑止戦略の構築」(Japan’s Counter-Terrorism Policy: Building Multi-layered Deterrence System)(東京財団、2005年)[共著]