Kei Koga’s comments and articles appeared in Foreign Policy, The Economist, NewsWeek, Japan Times, South China Morning Post, The Straits Times (Singapore), CNA (Singapore), New Straits Times (Malaysia), THANH NIEN News (Vietnam), Voice of America, East Asia Forum, 日経新聞, 産経新聞, etc.
“Dealing with North Korea Beyond the Korean Peninsula: Japan’s Perspective on a New Indo-Pacific Geopolitical Trend,” Global NK Zoom & Connect and EAI, September 27, 2023.
「米中戦略競争下の新興国・発展途上国外交に関するアメリカの理解」(US understanding of emergence/developing states diplomacy under the US-China strategic competition), US-Japan Alliance Research Group (Nakasone Peace Institute), August 8, 2023.
「『グローバル・サウス』に対するアメリカの外交姿勢」(US diplomatic posture towards “Global South”), US-Japan Alliance Research Group (Nakasone Peace Institute), July 20, 2023.
“ASEAN and the Quad Inch Closer Together” (With Sharon Seah), Foreign Policy, May 24, 2023.
“Forging A G7-G20 Nexus: Cooperation Between Japan and India” [with Karthik Nachiappan], 9DASHLINE, May 15, 2023.
“Alignment for a Strategic Alternative: The Development of Japan-India Bilateral Cooperation” China-India Brief, 219 (Centre on Asia and Globalization, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS), February 14, 2023.
“Regional Voices on the 2022 China Military Power Report.” NBR Commentary (February 23, 2023)
“Great Power Politics and ASEAN: US-China Competition and Order-Evolution from Southeast Asian perspectives” (Great Power PoliticsとASEAN:東南アジアの視点から見る米中対立と秩序の変化), Sasakawa Peace Foundation, December 2022.
“Regional Voices on Escalating Tensions in the Taiwan Strait.” NBR Commentary, December 5, 2022.
“Recalibrating US-Japan Indo-Pacific Strategies Toward ASEAN,” The Wilson Center, October 2022.
“Should Japan be a member of AUKUS” 15 minutes in Canberra—Perth USAsia (Podcast), August 15, 2022.
“Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision that promises peace and prosperity,” East Asia Forum Quarterly, 14. 3. (2022).
“Abe Shinzo’s legacy in Southeast Asia,” PacNet, 39, July 22, 2022,
“Japan and Australia step up defence cooperation,” East Asia Forum, March 8, 2022.
“Role of Middle Powers,” ASEANFocus, no. 2 (2021), p. 8.
“Episode 37: How the EU Fits into Asia’s Security Puzzle,” Asia Matters (Podcast), June 28, 2021 [URL]
“两大之间难为小:日澳如何为中等强国们带风向?” Voice of America, June 27, 2021, [URL]
“Japan and South Korea’s Alternative Paths in the Indo-Pacific,” PacNet, 17, March 25, 2021 [with Andrew Yeo]. [URL]
“Honing Japan’s regional strategy: Tokyo’s Indo-Pacific vision could do with sharper teeth,” Policy Forum, December 17, 2018 [URL]
「“印度太平洋” 和区域秩序重新构建」『联合早报』2018年8月31日
“Reassessing ASEAN over the South China Sea: What the 30th ASEAN Summit Can Tell us about Its Utility,” Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, June 3, 2017.
“The Rise of Trump and Its Global Implications: Impact on US-Japan Alliance,” (with Bhubhindar Singh), RSIS Commentary, no. 281/2016, November 15, 2016.
“Japan-Singapore Relations,” Channel 8 (“Focus”), October 6, 2016.
“Japan pushing ‘quality’ aid to counter China’s clout in ASEAN” [by Sophie Jackman] (quoted), Japan Times, September 9, 2016.
“Seido Henka to Kokusai Anzen Hosho Kiko (Institutional Change and International Security Organizations), JAIR News Letter, No. 143, April 2015.
“Interpreting Japan’s right to collective self-defense,” China Policy Institute Blog, September 4, 2014.
“Japan’s new White Paper,” Channel NewsAsia (“Insights”), August 14, 2014.
“Japan - Defense Policy,” BFM 89.9 The Business Station (Malaysia), August 11, 2014.
“Comfort Women talks between South Korea and Japan,” Channel NewsAsia, April 16, 2014.
「日米同盟における人道支援・災害救援活動(HA/DR)協力:政治的シグナルと3つの協力モデル」(日米同盟と災害救援:中間報告)2014年 [“Nichibei domei ni okeru jindo shien/saigai kyuen katsudo (HA/DR) kyoryoku: Seijiteki shigunaru to 3tu no kyoryoku moderu (The Japan-US Alliance on HA/DR Cooperation: Political Signaling and 3 Types of Cooperative Arrangement)” Japan Center for International Exchange, February 19, 2014]
“Japan in East Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for 2014,” Asia Pacific Bulletin, January 14, 2014, No. 247, (Also appeared in Business Times (Singapore) and RAPPLER (the Philippines))
“Japan’s ‘Strategic Diplomacy’: Leveraging on ASEAN in 2014,” RSIS Commentary, January 2, 2014, no. 1/2014, (Also appeared in The New Straits Times (Malaysia) and Eurasia Review)
“The delicate balance of ABE’s ASEAN diplomacy,” OpenAsia, November 27, 2013,
“Asia’s Disaster Relief Cooperation as a “Public Good” Strategic Implications for East Asian Security,” Special Report: India-Japan 2013, Diplomatist (2013), pp. 20-23.
“Japan’s Clumsy Perception Management,” The Diplomat, October 10, 2013.
“Leveraging ASEAN’s Role in North Korean Denuclearization,” Forbes, July 24, 2013 (with Jonathan Miller).
“Japan-India Security Cooperation,” The Diplomat, July 17, 2013 (with Yogesh Joshi).
“ASEAN’s Great Power Dilemma,” Asia Times Online, February 22, 2013.
“Japan’s New Policy Defense Program Guideline and Japan-India Security Cooperation,” IPCS Articles (published by The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS)), No. 3315, January 13, 2011.
“East Asia's Territorial Disputes: Time for Preventive Diplomacy,” RSIS Commentary, no. 134/2010, October 27, 2010. URL: (Also appeared in The Straits Times and Eurasia Review)
“Historical Antagonism and the Future of Japan-ROK Relations,” Foreign Policy Digest, December 2009). URL:
“Japan’s Changing Politics and Its Implication,” Views on News, the Fletcher School, October 5, 2007.
News, Workshops, & Seminars/Webinars
Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS), Japan (October 13, 2023) “Great Power Politics and ASEAN’s Role over the South China Sea” (Japanese) [Online].
Japan International Transport and Tourism Institute (JITTI), USA (September 12, 2023) “Maritme Security Cooperation: FOIP, Quad, and ASEAN” [Online].
Economic Growth Centre and Economics Programme, Nanyang Technological Univerity (NTU), Singapore (September 6, 2023) [Discussant] “Future of Asia: Prospects and Challenges.”
The Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS) and Japan Foundaiton, New York (August 31, 2023) “Japan-Southeast Asia Relations” [Online].
International Studies Associaiton (ISA) Asia-Pacific (August 9, 2023) [Discussant], “The Nexus between Norms and Pracces in ASEAN-centric Mullateralism” (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan).
NESA (Near East South Asia, Center for Strategic Studies), DKI APCSS (Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies), and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU (July 10, 2023) “The Potential for Quad – ASEAN Maritime Support for Indo-Pacific Maritime Security” (“Indo Pacific Minilateral Series: The Quad: Opportunities to Advance Shared Goals at the Crossroads of the Indo-Pacific, Singapore).
ORF America (Observer Research Foundation America), JCIE/USA (Japan Center for International Excahnge, USA), ASPI, Washington D.C. (Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C.) (May 19, 2023) “Virtual Briefing: Demystifying the Quad” [Online].
Student Think Tank for Europe-Asia Relations (STEAR) (April 15, 2023), “Governance & IR: Asian Perspective on the rules-based interntional order” (STEAR 2023 Annual Conference) [Online]
Stimson Center, USA (March 31, 2023), “Southeast Asia in Japan’s New National Secrutiy Strategy” (Panel, Japan’s New National Security Strategy: Allies & Partners”) [Online].
Kwansei Gakuin University (February 7, 2023) “International Relations in Southeast Asia,” Field Trip Lecture Series organized by Professor Ichiro INOUE.
Universitat Duisburg-Essen, Germany (January 25, 2023) “Japan’s Indo-Pacific Policy,” Institute of East Asian Studies Lecture Series 2022/23.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea (December 16, 2022) “Revitalizing Multilateral Cooperation in East Asia,” East Asian Cooperation Forum 2022.
Pacific Forum-RSIS (December 13, 2022) “Strategic Competition and Security Cooperation.”
Deutsches Institut Fur Japanstudien (December 9, 2022) “Shinzo Abe's Legacy for the Future of Japanese-Southeast Asian Relations: Singapore.”
North Eastern Hill University, India (December 5, 2022) “Japan, ASEAN and the South China Sea,” ASEAN Study Center.
The Stimson Center (November 10, 2022) “Japan and Southeast Asia.”
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences-Dongseo University-Keio-University (November 8, 2022) “Politics and Security Mechanism.”
The Consortium of Indo-Pacific Researchers (CIPR) (November 4, 2022) “Plenary Session: The World Order after the Pandemic and the Ukraine War.”
JPI (Jeju Peace Institution)-RSIS (October 6, 2022) “Multilateral Cooperation in East Asia.”
Georgetown University (September 20, 2022) “Book Talk—Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and the South China Sea.”
Council on East Asian Community (August 22, 2022) “Singapore Diplomacy in the Evolving International Order” [Virtual Semianr]
Hudson Institute (August 22, 2022) “Asia’s New Leaders and the Free and Open Indo-Pacific.” [Virtual Seiminar]
National Youth Movement for West Philippine Sea (July 30, 2022) “Episode 11: ASEAN’s Instituitonal Strategy Over the South China Sea” [Virtual Seminar]
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (July 20, 2022) “Discussion Round: "The EU and Japan: Engaging in Southeast Asia amidst the return of power politics.” [Virtual Seiminar]
Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) (July 1, 2022) “Prospects for ROK-Japan Indo-Pacific Cooperation: Perspectivers from Japan.” [Virtual Roundtable]
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) (June 16 and 23, 2022)“US-China Relations” [Virtual Seiminar]
The Maureen and Mansfield Foundation (June 15, 2022) “The Ukraine Invasion: An Indonesia-Japan-United States Exchange of Views” [Virtual Roundtable]
Chatam House (June 13, 2022) “Global Responses to China’s Belt and Road Initiative” [Virtual Seminar]
Keio University, (June 6, 2022) “Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” Strategy and Japan-US-South Korea Cooperation” [Virtual Workshop]
Keio University (May 28, 2022) “New Regional Instituitons in the Indo-Pacific and the Role of Japan” (in Japanese) [Virtual Seminar]
Brookings Institute (May 18, 2022). “Japan’s Indo-Pacific Strategy” [Virtual Conference]
U.S. Department of State (April, 2022). Topic on Japan’s Foreign Policy toward the Mekong Region.
YCAPS (March 24, 2022). “Japan-Southeast Asia Cooperation Towards a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” [Virtual Conference]
International Peace and Sustainability Organization (IPSO) (March 24, 2022). “Japan and the Indo-Pacific” [Virtual Conference]
The Japanese Studies Association in Southeast Asia (JSA-ASEAN) (December 16, 2021). “Exploring Japan-South Korea-ASEAN Development Cooperation in the Mekong Region” [Virtual Conference]
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany (December 9, 2021). “Tactical Hedging in the Indo-Pacific: Case of Naval Diplomacy” [Virtual Conference]
Universidad de Navarra, Spain (November 25, 2021). “Building a Security Architecture for the Indo-Pacific: Old and New Players” [Virtual Conference]
Stifung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Germany (November 18, 2021). “Connectivity and National Strategy” [Virtual Conference]
RSIS, NTU (November 18, 2021). “Regional Powers in the Mekong—Japan, India, and South Korea” [Virtual Conference]
Pacific Forum, USA (November 3, 2021). “Comparative Connections Roundtable” [Virtual Conference]
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru (September 28, 2021). “Japan’s Strategy in the Indo-Pacific” [Virtual Conference]
Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia (ISIS-Malaysia), Malaysia (September 7, 2021). “The Quad and Southeast Asia: Reception, perception & opportunities” [Virtual Conference]
Australian National University, Australia (May 5, 2021). “Japan’s New Strategic Role in the Indo-Pacific: Fulfilling the Potentials of the ‘Quad-Plus’” [Virtual Symposium]
Osaka University, Japan (May 10, 2021). “ASEAN Institutional Development on Public Health Emergencies and Great Power Competition” [Virtual Symposium]
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan, and the Institute of Policy Studies, NUS, Singapore (March 17, 2021). “‘Japan-Singapore Relations in the Indo-Pacific and Beyond” (Japan-Singapore Symposium) [Virtual Conference]
Asia Society Policy Institute, USA (March 16, 2021). “‘America is Back’: Views from Southeast Asia” [Virtual Conference].
Asian Political International Studies Association (APISA) and Korean International Studies Association (KISA), South Korea (November 28, 2020). “The Next US Presidency & the Challenges for Asia” (Roundtable) [Virtual Conference].
East Asian Community Institute, Japan (October 30, 2020). Japan’s “Alignment” Strategy: New Bilateralism and Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific Era. [Virtual Conference].
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India (August 13, 2020). “Evolving Japan’s Indo-Pacific Vision: Japan’s Leadership Role and Implications for Regional Politics” (Centre for East Asian Studies) [Virtual Conference].
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan (May 28, 2020). “ASEAN’s Response to COVID-19: Possibility of Cooperation and Geopolitical Implication” (The 10th Asian Conference on Asian Studies/The 10th Conference on Cultural Studies, [Virtual Conference].
Waseda University, Japan. (August 1, 2019). “Asian Regionalism in Decline? Power shifts, Populism, and New Regional Dynamics.”
Waseda University, Japan (July 29, 2019). “Use of Public Emotion for Domestic Political Ends: Case of Yasukuni Shrine Controversy.”
RSIS, NTU, Singapore and ASPI, Asia Society, USA (July 10, 2019). “Regional Perspectives on China’s Enhanced Engagement.”
EU Centre in Singapore (June 19, 2019). “Political and Security Cooperation in ASEAN and geopolitical challenges.”
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (November 9, 2018). Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy: Development and Future Implications. (Symposium “The Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region: Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities”).
NTU United Nations Student Association, Singapore (September 12, 2018). “Op-ed Writing.”
Taylor’s University, Malaysia. (March 27, 2018). “Contending Grand Strategies? Southeast Asia’s perceptions toward 'Belt and Road Initiative' and 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific'.”
University of Warwick, UK (March 6, 2018). “Abe, the Indo-Pacific, and Japan-ASEAN Relations.”
University of Sheffield, UK (March 5, 2018). “Abe, the Indo-Pacific, and Japan-ASEAN Relations.”
NTU United Nations Student Association, Singapore (February 27, 2018). “United Nations, Collective Security, and Peacekeeping.”
Sekiguchi Global Research Association/ Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation, Japan (November 18, 2017). “Geopolitics on the Belt and Road Initiative” (「一帯一路の地政学」SGRA Forum, Tokyo).
Sasakawa USA, USA (November 15, 2017). “Post-Summit Evaluation: The United States, Japan and Southeast Asia.”
Tampines Junior College, Singapore. (April 19, 2017). “Recent developments in Sino-Japanese Relations.”
NYU Shanghai, China (April 17, 2017). “Sino-Japanese Rivalry.”
Griffith University, Australia (February 28, 2017). Strengthening Rules Based Order in the Indo-Asia-Pacific: Regional Rule-based Order and the Utility of ASEAN: Cases of EAS and ADMM/ADMM-Plus over the South China Sea.
Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore (January 23, 2017). “The Reinterpretation of Article 9: Is this the End of Post-War Pacifism in Japan?”
University of New South Wales, Australia, and The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan (September 30, 2016). “Session 6: Challenges and Implications for Conflict Mitigation and/or Dispute Resolution.”
Waseda University, Japan (February 4, 2016). “Session 2: Integration Efforts in ASEAN.”
Waseda University, Japan (February 2, 2016). “Beyond 2015: ASEAN Political Security Community and Regional Power Shift.”
The Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan (December 12, 2015). Strategic Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Japanese Perspective.
University of Tokyo, Japan and NTU, Singapore. (November 28, 2015). “ASEAN Effect: Regional Community Building and Implication for Global Asia.”
East Asian Institute, NUS, Singapore (November 6, 2015). “China's Rise and the Abe Administration: Continuity and Change in Japan's Foreign Policy towards East Asia.”
The Council for the United States and Italy, USA (October 2, 2015). Geopolitical Dimension: Cooperation, Competition, or Conflict? The Evolving Relationships between Asia and the West. San Francisco, 31th Young Leaders Conference 2015.
Peking University, China (August 1-5, 2015). “ASEAN's evolving role in East Asian Security Architecture.”
NTU, Singapore (June 20, 2015). “Territorial Disputes and Nationalism” (Lead Asia Workshop—University Scholars Programmes, Asia Pacific Youth Organisation (APYO).
CSIS Jakarta, Indonesia, and Japan Institute of International Affairs, Japan (June 6, 2015). Japan-Indonesia in East Asia: East Asia Summit; and South China Sea. Indonesia-Japan Security Dialogue.
NUS, Singapore (March 25, 2015). “ASEAN and Regional Governance.”
East West Center, USA and Japan Institute for International Affairs, Japan (February 2015). Japanese Views of Joint US-Japan Collaborative Activities with the ASEAN Countries of Southeast Asia.
Waseda University, Japan (February 5, 2015). “Natural Disaster and International Cooperation.”
Waseda University, Japan (February 2, 2015). “Solution for Great Power Rivalry? Non-traditional Security Cooperation on Humanitarian Assistant/Disaster Relief (HA/DR) in the Asia-Pacific Region.”
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA (June 5, 2014). “The US-Japan Alliance, ASEAN, and Regional HA/DR Cooperation”
RIPS, Japan (July 26, 2014). “The Korean Peninsula and the Japan-US Alliance.” RIPS US-Japan Young Scholars Seminar.
NTU, Singapore (December 6, 2013). “China’s ADIZ and Shifting Strategic Balance in East Asia—Recent Development of Sino-Japanese Relations.”
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), USA (August 23, 2013). “The Future of Japan’s Security Policy and Its Impact on Relations with the US, China, and South Korea.”
Pacific Forum CSIS, USA and Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Japan (July 23, 2013). “HA/DR Cooperation in Asia and the US-Japan Alliance.”
NTU, Singapore (April 18, 2013). “Institutional Transformation of ASEAN: ZOPFAN, TAC and the Bali Concord I in 1968-1976.”
NTU, Singapore (April 18, 2013). “The Future of East Asian Security Regionalism: Toward the Establishment of ‘Regional Security Nexus.”
Tufts University, USA (April 11, 2013). “Nuclear International Security: US-Japan Relations and East Asia” (The Fletcher School).
Harvard University, USA (March 7, 2013). “Regional Security-Oriented Organizations and Institutional Change: The Case of ASEAN” (Harvard Kennedy School).
Tufts University, USA. (March 6, 2013). “The Development of Japan’s Security Policy in the Post-War Era” (The Fletcher School).
Harvard University, USA (February 18, 2013). “The Future of East Asian Regionalism: Is ASEAN still Relevant?” (Harvard HPAIR Conference).
Tufts University, USA (January 30, 2013). “ASEAN and ‘East Asian Security’.”
Network for Policy Analysis, Japan (November 17, 2012). “Japan’s Infrastructure for Policy Evaluation: Diplomacy and Security Field,” [in Japanese] (The 14th Policy Messe).
Harvard University, USA. (February 20, 2012). “Cooperation and Conflict in Asia” (Harvard HPAIR Conference 2012)
Pacific Forum CSIS, USA (December 10, 2010). “Does Japan (still) matter for East Asian Security? Japan’s Contributions to East Asian Security since the End of the Cold War.”
Global Policy Initiative, Japan. (November 27, 2010). “Japan’s Diplomacy and Security Policy: Prioritization and Future Perspectives.”
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. (September 4, 2010). “ASEAN's role in East Asian Regionalism and Regional Powers' Views on ASEAN.”
Pacific Forum CSIS, USA (November 9, 2009). “Regional Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region: ASEAN.”
Tufts University, USA (March 26, 2009). “Developments in the ASEAN institutional and security landscape and engagement with other Powers,” (The Fletcher School).
Tokyo Foundation, Japan (March 1, 2005). “Japan’s Counter-Terrorism Policy.”
Grandview Institution, China (March 28, 2023), “ASEAN in the Russia-Ukraine War: New Challenges and Opportunities” (Roundtable: “Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Its Impacts on Asian Securtiy”) [Online].
International Studies Association (ISA) Roundtable (March 16, 2023), “Comparave Grand Strategy: A Research Agenda.”
International Studies Association (ISA) Roundtable (March 15, 2023), “New Approaches to Regionalism in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Joint Book Roundtable on Martel’s “Enacng the Security Community” and Glas's “Praccing Peace””
Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)/Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) (March 13, 2023), “The 50th Anniversary of Japan-ASEAN Relations” (Japan-Singapore Symposium 2023).
Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati/Sasakawa Peace Foundation (February 16, 2023) “Russia/Ukraine and What it Means for Japan and the USA in Asia,” (‘Geostrategy in the Grassroots’ Webinar).